March 30, 2022, Ottawa – Canadian Blood Services’ contracts with suppliers of recombinant factor VIII and IX for the 2022-2025 period take effect on April 4.
Hemophilia A
As of Monday, CBS will supply seven recombinant FVIII products, including three standard half-life concentrates:
- Kovaltry (Bayer)
- Xyntha (Pfizer)
- Zonovate (Novo Nordisk)
… and four extended half-life concentrates:
- Adynovate (Takeda)
- Eloctate (Sanofi)
- Esperoct (Novo Nordisk)
- Jivi (Bayer)
All of these products will be supplied without restrictions. Physicians will not be required to use the Named Patient Contract form. Product choice will be at the discretion of the patient and treating physician.
Among products currently on the market, only Nuviq (Octapharma) will not be renewed. It will remain available for those currently using it until September, 2022 or longer if inventory remains.
Hemophilia B
CBS will supply three recombinant FIX products, including one standard half-life concentrate:
… and two extended half-life concentrates:
- Alprolix (Sanofi)
- Rebinyn (NovoNordisk)
As in hemophilia A, all of these products will be supplied without restrictions. Physicians will not be required to use the Named Patient Contract form. No FIX products currently in use have been removed from the market.
For more information, see the CBS website at
… or contact your treatment centre.
Héma-Québec is currently conducting a selection process for recombinant FVIII and FIX products. Results will be announced this summer for new contracts starting September 1, 2022.