Celebrating a birthday!

CHS CONTACT is a year old! And what a year it has been on the news front! If we could have chosen the best year to start an electronic news platform to replace our long-standing paper newsmagazine, Hemophilia Today, we could not have chosen better. With the pandemic, the constantly-evolving news made it even more relevant for the Canadian Hemophilia Society to be able to communicate with the bleeding disorder community in a timely manner. With our website, social media channels and online news platform, we were able to not only update our community on the latest developments regarding the pandemic, but also how we adapted the programs and services offered to the patients, their families and the health care providers.

After over 60 articles featuring great reports from the June 2020 World Federation of Hemophilia Virtual Summit, latest updates on product development, breaking news on clinical trials, inspiring personal testimonials, CHS CONTACT is ready to enter its second year of existence more motivated than ever. We look forward to continue informing you rapidly about everything that matters to you.

Thank you for your continued support!