by Wendy Quinn, CHS President
A few days ago I received an e-mail with the subject “Exciting news and accomplishments in BC.” I immediately opened it and the message filled me with such a sense of pride for what has been accomplished in British Columbia. Two awards have been given – one to the Adult Bleeding Disorders Program of BC/Yukon and one to the Transfusion Medicine Laboratory (TML) at St. Paul’s Hospital.
The Adult Bleeding Disorder Program (ABDP) received a 2022 Recognition in Delivering Value-based Healthcare from the Canadian College of Health Leaders for their work which focused on outcomes that matter to patients with costs considered over a span of 10 years. TML received the Utilization Management Award from the BC Provincial Blood Coordinating Office for their work in the redistribution of product which resulted in cost savings of two million dollars.
In both cases there was incredible effort put forward to achieve the goal sought, health care cost savings speaks volumes in every health care industry. The patient outcomes initiative that was undertaken by the ABDP is a true example of what can be achieved for our patient members when health care providers commit to an initiative that serve our patients directly. This is the kind of service all our HTCs should strive for, and here is a true example of the possibilities. This is incredibly inspiring.
On a side note, there are members of both groups who are very familiar to me as they not only provide vital service to our patient membership in their professional realm, they have given their time voluntarily to sit on CHS committees and help grow our organization mainly in comprehensive Standards of Care, Care and Treatment, Blood Safety and Security. On behalf of the CHS Board of Directors thank you to the BC/Yukon Bleeding Disorder team (Lab and Clinic) for all your work on all levels; your awards are a reflection of true accomplishments and gives the CHS inspiration to reach for the best possible outcomes for our health care delivery and our patients.

Adult Bleeding Disorder Team
(L to R) Ming Yang (Research Coordinator), Alexia Sarvan (Clerk), Shannon Jackson (Physician), Karen Sims (Nurse Practitioner), Michelle Bech (Nurse Practitioner), Stacey Cave (Physiotherapist), Barbara Sheridan (Clinical Coordinator), Paul Yenson (Physician), Claude Bartholomew (Social Work). Not shown: Hayley Merkeley (Physician), Adrienne Lee (Physician), Jill Kipnis (Physiotherapy)

Utilization Management Award recipients
Front row (L to R): St Paul’s Hospital Transfusion Medicine Lab: Tina Jacobucci, Team Lead and Colleen Chan, Tech Coordinator.
Back row (L to R): Pediatric and Adult Bleeding Disorder Programs BC/Yukon: Celina Woo NP (P), Karen Sims MN ACNP NP (A), Erica Crilly NP (P), Michelle Bech MN ACNP NP (A).
CLICK HERE to know more about the 2022 Recognition in Delivering Value-based Healthcare from the Canadian College of Health Leaders awarded to Adult Bleeding Disorders Program of BC/Yukon.
CLICK HERE to read more on the 2020-2021 BC Provincial Blood Coordinating Office (PBCO) Utilization Management Award given to the Transfusion Medicine Laboratory at St Paul’s Hospital.