In my time – Colin


While preparing for the CHS’ national ageing retreat in 2018, Learning to learn and passing it on, we recognized that we had an opportunity and an obligation to learn from the participants: to recognize their life experiences with bleeding disorders and to share this knowledge with the larger bleeding disorder community.

Inspired by the amazing work of HIV in My Day, an oral history project based on interviews with people who lived through the first 15 years of the HIV pandemic, we decided to conduct interviews at the retreat with interested participants. And we struck gold. I hope these interviews shed some light on the world of ageing with bleeding disorders. It was an honour to be trusted with these stories.

At the heart of the four interviews was a question about what lessons folks have learned from dealing with their bleeding disorders over the years.

In this video, Colin shares what it is like to push forward past the tainted blood tragedy and the importance of being proud and working to beat the odds, among other personal experiences.