In our special series of articles on the numerous committees our volunteers sit on, it is our pleasure to now present you the latest national committee: the Chapter Collaboration Council.
The Chapter Collaboration Council (CCC) is a forum established by the CHS Board of Directors to facilitate collaboration between chapters, and between chapters and the national organization. The CCC contributes to defining how best to coordinate, communicate and share in providing support to those we serve across Canada.
The responsibilities of the CCC are to:
- Identify issues, offer ideas, opinions and concerns from across Canada.
- Identify strategies to build community member engagement.
- Identify educational needs and initiatives that would serve the community.
- Identify opportunities to collaborate on programming to serve those in our community who are most in need.
- Identify opportunities to collaborate on programing to help develop comparatively underserved provinces.
- Offer regular updates to the board (through the CCC board representative) on the latest opportunities and challenges with leaders across Canada.
- Receive regular updates from the CHS Board of Directors (from the CCC chair) and from the CHS CEO and staff.
- Ensure that all activities of the CCC operate in accordance with the CHS by- laws and policies.
The CCC is composed of volunteer chapter representatives, nominated by each chapter. In the interest of chapter president’s time management and succession planning, it is preferred that council participants be active chapter members other than the presidents, preferably vice-chairs.
The term of appointment for members is two years and members are eligible for reappointment for two additional two-year terms. After six years, on the committee, a member is eligible for reappointment after stepping down for a two-year term.
Current members of the Chapter Collaboration Council are:

I decided to sit on the CCC because I was initially recommended by my two long-time friends and fellow advocates, Michael Barrett and Jeffrey Jerrett. These two wonderful individuals, from the Newfoudland Chapter, are well known in the hemophilia community. With their blessing and recommendation, I accepted with honour and without hesitation because I knew that if these two believed in me, I was in the right time and place to do good things.
Secondly, it has always been my dream to be part of a national committee where I can be a voice and advocate for people with inherited bleeding disorders from all over the country.
The impact I have made on the CCC so far is providing feedback to other provinces regarding their activities, making suggestions in some cases or applauding jobs well done. And I have the responsibility to report on activities from my province, along with bringing back updated information about other provinces, national and any new developments that would be pertinent to my chapter.
The CCC has members from all over Canada. For the most part, all chapters are similar but unique in their own way. Sometimes seeing and hearing specific topics or challenges from a different perspective can be a game-changer for another province; it could potentially make changes for the better for another chapter and their members.
What would I say to someone who would be interested in joining the CCC? Joining the CCC has been a never-ending journey of discovery! I have met and worked alongside many amazing people who are all heros within the bleeding disorder community. I have also had the opportunity to work on epic projects that I am so proud of. Most important, I have had the privilege of being able to be an advocate for people with inherited bleeding disorders. As a CCC member, you will be that voice! – MARCEL McDONALD
I have been a part of the CCC since its inception, my decision to join was an easy one as I knew that this would allow me to have open communication with other chapters. As part of the CCC we share ideas and can be a part of the planning for events across the country such as Rendez-vous. I feel the CCC plays a key role in shaping the future of people living with bleeding disorders. We bring to the table the needs of our community members and work together to find solutions. Although the CCC is still in its infancy, it has been beneficial to work with this great group of individuals. Being from a province with a small population and a large geographical area, it’s been wonderful to speak to other provinces with similar challenges to ours and to learn what works or doesn’t work from each other. – CELENA MOODY
I decided to sit on the CCC to bridge the gap between National and provincial chapters. It allows me to bring forward peaks and valleys of what is happening in our chapter and brainstorm with other provincial chapters/National. The collaboration of provincial chapters sharing ideas is the CCC’s greatest accomplishment. – HILLARY WAPPLE