Hello to all,
Following its June 27 AGM, the CHS is pleased to announce the arrival of a new leadership on its Board of Directors. We welcome …
WENDY QUINN as President, and
RICK WAINES as Vice-President.
DOUG CARR and JEFF JERRETT are returning respectively as Treasurer and Secretary.
Wendy, mother of a son with severe hemophilia A, currently works as a nurse practitioner in a long-term care facility. Her career is marked with the incredible positive impact she made wherever she worked, especially with regards to her service to remote First Nations communities. Wendy has been involved with the CHS for over a decade, first as a director and then as Vice-President of the CHS board, as well as Hemophilia Saskatchewan President. She is chair of the national Care and Treatment Committee and a member of the national Ageing and Bleeding Disorder Committee and the Bangladesh Twinning project. She is a top advocate in the world of bleeding disorders, provincially, nationally and internationally. The CHS will grow even stronger with Wendy leading us into an era of acute advocacy.
The other directors of the 2021-2022 CHS Board of Directors are:
Cyril Boulila | Robert Cooper | Brenda Godin
Lawrence Jardine | Samantha Kendrick | Derek Klatt
Kimberly Kroll-Goodwin | Carmen Nishiyama | Milena Pirnat | Emil Wijnker
As we are entering an exciting era with our brand new strategic framework, with such a talented and dynamic team, we are confident that the CHS will be able to diligently fulffill its goals in all three focus areas defined in the plan.
Of course, I could not conclude without thanking Paul for his dedicated work as President of the CHS for the past four years. It has been a privilege to work with him on many crucial issues and projects.
To both the returning board and new members to our team, I look forward to collaborating with you all on behalf of our community.

Deborah Franz Currie
National Executive Director